The Role of Self-Regulation in Reading
It's no secret that students with higher levels of self-regulation perform better at academics in general. But there are also specific correlations between self-regulation and reading outcomes.
In a recent article for Early Childhood Research Quarterly, the authors open by stating that "previous research has established that higher levels of behavioral self-regulation are associated with higher levels of language and literacy²."
In a 2020 meta-analysis, students who exhibited greater levels of self-regulation saw greater achievement in language, literacy, behavior, and mental health. Conversely, poor self-regulation led to higher aggression, depression, and obesity by the time students reached their teenage years¹.
About AskMeno
AskMeno is dedicated to helping early childhood leaders build the foundational oral language and social skills necessary for their young scholars’ reading comprehension and emotional wellbeing. AskMeno provides a play-based, teacher-facilitated supplemental curriculum that systematically and explicitly develops oral language and social skills through scaffolded, fun, and engaging learning activities.